Hamari Adhuri Kahaniis an upcoming Indian romantic drama film directed by Mohit Suri and produced by Mahesh Bhatt under the banner Vishesh Films and Fox Star Studios. The film stars Emraan Hashmi, Vidya Balan and Rajkummar Rao in principal roles. It is based on the love story of Bhatt's parents, Nanabhai Bhatt, Shirin Mohammad Ali and his stepmother. The film is scheduled for release on 12 June 2015
Hamari Adhuri Kahani Movie Cast & Crew:
Directed by: Mohit Suri
Produced by: Mahesh Bhatt
Presenter: Mukesh Bhatt
Written by: Mahesh Bhatt
(Story & screenplay:Shagufta Rafiq
Starring: Emraan Hashmi Vidya Balan Rajkummar Rao
Music by Original songs:Mithoon Jeet Ganguly Ami Mishra Raju Singh
Cinematography: Vishnu Rao
Edited by: Deven Murudeshwar
Productioncompany: Vishesh Film
Distributed by: Fox Star Studios
Release dates: June 12, 2015
Running time: June 12, 201