Spectre is an upcoming Bollywood film, will be the twenty fourth James Bond film produced byEon Productions. It will be the second film in the series directed by Sam Mendes and will feature Daniel Craig in his fourth performance as James Bond, and Christoph Waltz as Franz Oberhauser, the film's antagonist. Spectre is scheduled to be released on 6 November 2015.
Spectre has been Directed by Sam Mendes. and presented by Eon Productions was Release dates 6 November 2015
Spectre Movie Cast & Crew
Directed by Sam Mendes
Produced by
Michael G. Wilson
Barbara Broccoli
Screenplay by
Neal Purvis
Robert Wade
John Logan
Based on James Bond
by Ian Fleming
Starring Daniel Craig
Music by Thomas Newman
Cinematography Hoyte van Hoytema
Edited by Lee Smith
Eon Productions
Distributed by
Columbia Pictures
Release dates
6 November 2015
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Spectre official trailer HD